Basic Usage
Setting up the Falsifier
Defining a Sample Space and Choosing a Sampler
There are two ways of defining a feature space.
Method 1: Using Feature APIs in VerifAI
from verifai.features import *
from verifai.samplers import *
control_params = Struct({
'x_init': Box([-0.05, 0.05]),
'cruising_speed': Box([10.0, 20.0]),
'reaction_time': Box([0.7, 1.00])
env_params = Struct({
'broken_car_color': Box([0.5, 1], [0.25, 0.75], [0, 0.5]),
'broken_car_rotation': Box([5.70, 6.28])
cones_config = Struct({
'traffic_cones_pos_noise': Box([-0.25, 0.25], [-0.25, 0.25], [-0.25, 0.25]),
'traffic_cones_down_0': Categorical(*np.arange(5)),
'traffic_cones_down_1': Categorical(*np.arange(5)),
'traffic_cones_down_2': Categorical(*np.arange(5))
sample_space = FeatureSpace({
'control_params': Feature(control_params),
'env_params': Feature(env_params),
'cones_config': Feature(cones_config)
# Examples of Instantiating Some of VerifAI's Supported Samplers
random_sampler = FeatureSampler.randomSamplerFor(sample_space)
halton_sampler = FeatureSampler.haltonSamplerFor(sample_space)
cross_entropy_sampler = FeatureSampler.crossEntropySamplerFor(sample_space)
simulated_annealing_sampler = FeatureSampler.simulatedAnnealingSamplerFor(sample_space)
Method 2: Using Scenic
from verifai.samplers import ScenicSampler
path = 'examples/webots/controllers/scenic_cones_supervisor/lane_cones.scenic'
scenic_sampler = ScenicSampler.fromScenario(path)
Scenic’s sampler, by default, does random sampling (see ScenicSampler
for the available configuration options).
However, it is possible to invoke VerifAI’s other samplers from within the scenario using Scenic’s external parameters.
Constructing a Monitor
Active samplers sample for the next point in the feature space by accounting for the history of the performance of a system being tested in previous simulations. To use active samplers, a user need to provide a monitor (i.e. objective function). For passive samplers, monitor is optional, but it can be used to populate the error table with the how a system of interest performed in each simulation.
from verifai.monitor import specification_monitor
# The specification must assume specification_monitor class
class confidence_spec(specification_monitor):
def __init__(self):
def specification(traj):
return traj['yTrue'] == traj['yPred']
Writing a Formal Specification with Metric Temporal Logic
Instead of a customized monitor, users can provide a specification using metric temporal logic. In such case, users need to use mtl_falsifier instead of generic_falsifier.
from verifai.falsifier import mtl_falsifier
specification = ["G(collisioncone0 & collisioncone1 & collisioncone2)"]
Defining Falsifier Parameters
from dotmap import DotMap
falsifier_params = DotMap(
n_iters=1000, # Number of simulations to run (or None for no limit)
max_time=None, # Time limit in seconds, if any
save_error_table=True, # Record samples that violated the monitor/specification
save_good_samples=False, # Don't record samples that satisfied the monitor/specification
fal_thres=0.5, # Monitor return value below which a sample is considered a violation
sampler_params=None # optional DotMap of sampler-specific parameters
Setting up Client/Server Communication
VerifAI uses a client/server model to communicate with an external simulator for running tests.
The default Server
(suitable for use with user-provided clients for new simulators) uses network sockets and can be customized as follows:
PORT = 8888
BUFSIZE = 4096
server_options = DotMap(port=PORT, bufsize=BUFSIZE, maxreqs=MAXREQS)
When performing falsification with dynamic Scenic scenarios, VerifAI communicates with the simulator through Scenic, and a special ScenicServer
is required: see below for an example.
Instantiating a Falsifier
Setting up a falsifier is a simple matter of combining the pieces above.
For a custom monitor, we can use generic_falsifier
from verifai.falsifier import generic_falsifier
falsifier = generic_falsifier(
sampler=random_sampler, # or scenic_sampler, etc. as above
For a specification in Metric Temporal Logic, we can use mtl_falsifier
from verifai.falsifier import mtl_falsifier
falsifier = mtl_falsifier(
After instantiating either kind of falsifier, it can be run as follows:
# Wait for a client to connect, run the simulations, then clean up
Dynamic Scenic scenarios can be used with any type of falsifier, but you must specify the ScenicServer
class (see its documentation for available options).
Monitors will be passed the Scenic Simulation
object resulting from each simulation:
from verifai.scenic_server import ScenicServer
scenic_sampler = ScenicSampler.fromScenicCode("""\
model scenic.simulators.newtonian.model
ego = Object with velocity (0, Range(5, 15))
other = Object at (5, 0), with velocity (-10, 10)
terminate after 2 seconds
record final (distance to other) as dist
class scenic_spec(specification_monitor):
def __init__(self):
def specification(simulation):
return simulation.result.records['dist'] > 1
falsifier = generic_falsifier(