Source code for verifai.features.features

"""Features, feature spaces, and domains.

.. testsetup::
    from verifai.features import *

import math
import random
import itertools
import functools
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple

import numpy as np

from verifai.utils.utils import RejectionException, cached_property

### Domains

[docs]class Domain: """Abstract class of domains""" def distance(self, pointA, pointB): raise NotImplementedError('domain distance metric not implemented')
[docs] def uniformPoint(self): """Sample a uniformly random point in this Domain""" raise NotImplementedError('domain uniform sampling not implemented')
[docs] def flatten(self, point): """Flatten a point in this Domain to a tuple of coordinates. Useful for analyses that do not understand the internal structure of Domains. This representation of a point is also hashable, and so can be put into sets and dicts. """ coords = [] self.flattenOnto(point, coords) return tuple(coords)
[docs] def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): """Flatten a point onto the end of the given list.""" raise NotImplementedError('domain flattening not implemented')
@cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): """Dimension of the vector returned by flatten.""" return NotImplementedError('domain flattening not implemented')
[docs] def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): """Meaning of a coordinate of a flattened point in this Domain. If pointName is the name of a variable storing a point in the Domain, then this function returns an expression extracting from that variable the value which would be stored in the given coordinate index when the point is flattened. For example: >>> struct = Struct({'a': Real(), 'b': Real()}) >>> point = struct.makePoint(a=4, b=3) >>> struct.flatten(point) (4.0, 3.0) >>> struct.meaningOfFlatCoordinate(1) 'point.b' >>> eval(struct.meaningOfFlatCoordinate(1)) 3 """ return NotImplementedError('domain flattening not implemented')
[docs] def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): """Like meaningOfFlatCoordinate, but giving a MultiIndex for pandas.""" return NotImplementedError('domain flattening not implemented')
[docs] def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): """Whether the value of a coordinate is intrinsically numerical. In particular, whether it makes sense to use the Euclidean distance between different values of the coordinate. This would not be the case for Domains whose points are strings, for example, even if those are converted to numbers for the purpose of flattening. """ return NotImplementedError('domain flattening not implemented')
[docs] def numericizeCoordinate(self, coord): """Make a coordinate numeric. For internal use.""" return coord
[docs] def denumericizeCoordinate(self, coord): """Reconstitute a coordinate's original value. For internal use.""" return coord
[docs] def unflatten(self, coords): """Unflatten a tuple of coordinates to a point in this Domain.""" iterator = iter(coords) try: return self.unflattenIterator(iterator) except StopIteration as e: raise RuntimeError('malformed flattened point') from e
[docs] def unflattenIterator(self, coords): """Unflatten an iterator of coordinates to a point in this Domain.""" raise NotImplementedError('domain unflattening not implemented')
[docs] def standardize(self, point): """Map the point into a hyperbox, preserving measure. If the Domain is continuous, this should map into a unit hyperbox. If it is discrete, it should map into a discrete hyperbox. Which (if either) of these is the case can be determined by calling standardizedDimension and standardizedIntervals: for primitive Domains, at least one will return the 'not supported' value.""" coords = [] self.standardizeOnto(point, coords) return tuple(coords)
@cached_property def isStandardizable(self): """Whether points in this Domain can be standardized as above.""" return self.standardizedDimension >= 0 or self.standardizedIntervals
[docs] def standardizeOnto(self, point, targetList): """Standardize a point onto the end of the given list.""" raise RuntimeError( f'Domain {self.__class__.__name__} does not support standardize')
@cached_property def standardizedDimension(self): """Dimension of the vector returned by standardize. Returns -1 if continuous standardization is not supported.""" return -1 @cached_property def standardizedIntervals(self): """Intervals of the DiscreteBox mapped into by standardize. Returns () if discrete standardization is not supported.""" return ()
[docs] def unstandardize(self, coords): """Unstandardize a tuple of coordinates to a point in this Domain.""" iterator = iter(coords) try: return self.unstandardizeIterator(iterator) except StopIteration as e: raise RuntimeError('malformed standardized point') from e
[docs] def unstandardizeIterator(self, coords): """Unstandardize an iterator of coords to a point in this Domain.""" raise RuntimeError( f'Domain {self.__class__.__name__} does not support standardize')
@cached_property def requiresRejection(self): """Whether sampling from this Domain requires rejection sampling.""" return False
[docs] def partition(self, predicate): """Split this Domain into parts satisfying/falsifying the predicate.""" if predicate(self): return self, None else: return None, self
[docs] def rejoinPoints(self, *components): """Join points from the partitioned components of a Domain.""" assert sum(int(component is not None) for component in components) == 1 for component in components: if component is not None: return component
@cached_property def pointsAreScalars(self): """Whether points in this Domain are scalars.""" return False
## Primitive domains
[docs]class Constant(Domain): """Domain consisting of a single value""" def __init__(self, value): try: hash(value) except TypeError as e: raise RuntimeError('value for Constant domain ' f'is not hashable: {value}') from e self.value = value def distance(self, pointA, pointB): return 0 def uniformPoint(self): return self.value def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): pass # do nothing: no point in encoding the constant value @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return 0 def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): raise RuntimeError('Constant domain has no coordinates') def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): raise RuntimeError('Constant domain has no coordinates') def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): raise RuntimeError('Constant domain has no coordinates') def unflattenIterator(self, coords): return self.value def __eq__(self, other): return (type(other) is Constant and self.value == other.value) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.value) def __iter__(self): yield self.value def __repr__(self): return f'Constant({self.value})'
[docs]class Categorical(Domain): """Domain consisting of a finite set of values""" def __init__(self, *values): self.values = tuple(values) if len(self.values) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Categorical must contain at least one value') try: self.index = { val: ind for ind, val in enumerate(self.values) } except TypeError as e: raise RuntimeError('points in a Domain must be hashable') from e if len(self.index) != len(self.values): raise RuntimeError('duplicate values in Categorical domain') def distance(self, pointA, pointB): return 0 if pointA == pointB else 1 def uniformPoint(self): return random.choice(self.values) def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): targetList.append(self.numericizeCoordinate(point)) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return 1 def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): assert index == 0 return pointName def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): assert index == 0 return () def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): assert index == 0 return False def numericizeCoordinate(self, coord): return self.index[coord] def denumericizeCoordinate(self, coord): return self.values[coord] def unflattenIterator(self, coords): return self.denumericizeCoordinate(next(coords)) def standardizeOnto(self, point, targetList): targetList.append(self.numericizeCoordinate(point)) @cached_property def standardizedIntervals(self): return ((0, len(self.values)-1),) def unstandardizeIterator(self, coords): return self.denumericizeCoordinate(next(coords)) @cached_property def pointsAreScalars(self): return True # TODO hmm def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not Categorical: return False return set(self.values) == set(other.values) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.values) def __iter__(self): yield from self.values def __repr__(self): return f'Categorical({self.values})'
[docs]class Real(Domain): """Domain of real numbers""" def distance(self, pointA, pointB): return math.abs(pointA - pointB) def uniformPoint(self): raise RuntimeError('cannot sample uniformly from all real numbers') def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): targetList.append(float(point)) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return 1 def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): assert index == 0 return pointName def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): assert index == 0 return () def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): assert index == 0 return True def unflattenIterator(self, coords): return next(coords) @cached_property def pointsAreScalars(self): return True def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is Real def __hash__(self): return hash(Real) def __repr__(self): return 'Real()'
[docs]class Integer(Domain): """Domain of integers""" def distance(self, pointA, pointB): return math.abs(pointA - pointB) def uniformPoint(self): raise RuntimeError('cannot sample uniformly from all integers') def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): targetList.append(int(point)) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return 1 def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): assert index == 0 return pointName def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): assert index == 0 return () def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): assert index == 0 return True def unflattenIterator(self, coords): return next(coords) @cached_property def pointsAreScalars(self): return True def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is Integer def __hash__(self): return hash(Integer) def __repr__(self): return 'Integer()'
class AbstractBox(Domain): """A hyper-box, i.e. a product of intervals""" def __init__(self, *intervals): """Create an AbstractBox from a sequence of intervals""" ints = tuple(intervals) dim = len(ints) if dim == 0: raise RuntimeError('attempted to create zero-dimensional Box') newInts = [] lefts = [] lengths = [] for interval in ints: endpoints = tuple(interval) if len(endpoints) != 2: raise RuntimeError('interval for Box must have two endpoints') left, right = endpoints if left > right: left, right = right, left newInts.append((left, right)) lefts.append(left) lengths.append(right - left) self.intervals = tuple(newInts) self.lefts = tuple(lefts) self.lengths = tuple(lengths) def distance(self, pointA, pointB): pa, pb = np.array(pointA), np.array(pointB) return np.linalg.norm(pa - pb) def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): targetList.extend(point) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return self.dimension def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): assert 0 <= index < self.dimension return f'{pointName}[{index}]' def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.dimension return (index,) def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.dimension return True def unflattenIterator(self, coords): return tuple(itertools.islice(coords, self.dimension)) @cached_property def pointsAreScalars(self): return self.dimension == 1 @cached_property def dimension(self): return len(self.intervals) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not type(self): return NotImplemented return self.intervals == other.intervals def __hash__(self): return hash(self.intervals)
[docs]class Box(AbstractBox): """A hyper-box over the reals. Points in a Box are tuples of floats. """ def uniformPoint(self): return tuple(random.uniform(lo, hi) for lo, hi in self.intervals) def standardizeOnto(self, point, targetList): for coord, left, length in zip(point, self.lefts, self.lengths): targetList.append((coord - left) / length) @cached_property def standardizedDimension(self): return len(self.intervals) def unstandardizeIterator(self, coords): point = tuple( left + (coord * length) for left, length, coord in zip(self.lefts, self.lengths, coords) ) assert len(point) == self.dimension return point def __repr__(self): args = ', '.join(repr(interval) for interval in self.intervals) return f'Box({args})'
[docs]class DiscreteBox(AbstractBox): """A hyper-box over the integers. Points in a DiscreteBox are tuples of ints. """ def __init__(self, *intervals): super().__init__(*intervals) self.intervals = tuple((math.ceil(left), math.floor(right)) for left, right in self.intervals) for left, right in self.intervals: if left > right: raise RuntimeError('DiscreteBox interval contains no integers') def uniformPoint(self): return tuple(random.randint(lo, hi) for lo, hi in self.intervals) def standardizeOnto(self, point, targetList): targetList.extend(point) @cached_property def standardizedIntervals(self): return self.intervals def unstandardizeIterator(self, coords): return tuple(itertools.islice(coords, self.dimension)) def __iter__(self): ranges = (range(left, right+1) for left, right in self.intervals) yield from itertools.product(*ranges) def __repr__(self): args = ', '.join(repr(interval) for interval in self.intervals) return f'DiscreteBox({args})'
## Domains constructed from other domains
[docs]class Array(Domain): """A multidimensional array of elements in a common domain. For example, Array(Box((-1, 1)), (10, 5)) represents a 10x5 grid of real numbers, each in the interval [-1, 1]. Points in an Array are nested tuples of elements. For example, a point in the Array above would be a tuple of 10 elements, each of which is a tuple of 5 elements, each of which is a point in the underlying Box domain. """ def __init__(self, domain, shape): self.domain = domain self.shape = tuple(map(int, shape)) if len(self.shape) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Array shape must be nonempty') elts = 1 for n in self.shape: if n < 0: raise RuntimeError('Array dimensions must be nonnegative') elif elts == 0: raise RuntimeError('only the last dimension of an Array can be zero') elts *= n self.numElements = elts
[docs] def pointWithElements(self, it): """Build a point in this domain from an iterable of elements. This is similar to numpy.reshape, building a multidimensional array from a flat list of elements. For example: >>> elts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> array = Array(Real(), (2, 3)) >>> array.pointWithElements(elts) ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)) >>> array = Array(Real(), (3, 2)) >>> array.pointWithElements(elts) ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)) """ it = iter(it) shape = self.shape dim = len(shape) def makeLevel(i): if i == dim: # bottom level is a point in the underlying domain return next(it) else: # upper levels are tuples of sublevels j = i + 1 return tuple(makeLevel(j) for k in range(shape[i])) return makeLevel(0)
[docs] def elementsOfPoint(self, point): """Return an iterator over the elements of a point in this domain. This is similar to numpy.flatten, turning a multidimensional array into a flat list of elements. For example: >>> array = Array(Real(), (3, 2)) >>> list(array.elementsOfPoint(((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)))) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] """ dim = len(self.shape) def iterateLevel(i, level): if i == dim: # at bottom, yield the next element yield level else: # recursively yield elements of each sublevel j = i + 1 for sublevel in level: yield from iterateLevel(j, sublevel) yield from iterateLevel(0, point)
def uniformPoint(self): return self.pointWithElements(iter(self.domain.uniformPoint, None)) def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): for element in self.elementsOfPoint(point): self.domain.flattenOnto(element, targetList) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return self.numElements * self.domain.flattenedDimension def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): assert 0 <= index < self.flattenedDimension ourIndex = index // self.domain.flattenedDimension subIndex = index % self.domain.flattenedDimension indices = [] for levelSize in reversed(self.shape): levelIndex = ourIndex % levelSize indices.insert(0, f'[{levelIndex}]') ourIndex = ourIndex // levelSize meaning = pointName + ''.join(indices) return self.domain.meaningOfFlatCoordinate(subIndex, pointName=meaning) def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.flattenedDimension ourIndex = index // self.domain.flattenedDimension subIndex = index % self.domain.flattenedDimension indices = [] for levelSize in reversed(self.shape): levelIndex = ourIndex % levelSize indices.insert(0, levelIndex) ourIndex = ourIndex // levelSize subPandasIndex = self.domain.pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(subIndex) return tuple(indices) + subPandasIndex def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.flattenedDimension subIndex = index % self.domain.flattenedDimension return self.domain.coordinateIsNumerical(subIndex) def unflattenIterator(self, coords): it = iter(lambda: self.domain.unflattenIterator(coords), None) return self.pointWithElements(it) def standardizeOnto(self, point, targetList): for element in self.elementsOfPoint(point): self.domain.standardizeOnto(element, targetList) @cached_property def standardizedDimension(self): sd = self.domain.standardizedDimension return self.numElements * sd if sd >= 0 else -1 @cached_property def standardizedIntervals(self): return self.numElements * self.domain.standardizedIntervals def unstandardizeIterator(self, coords): it = iter(lambda: self.domain.unstandardizeIterator(coords), None) return self.pointWithElements(it) def partition(self, predicate): if self.numElements == 0: # length-0 arrays count as leaves return super().partition(predicate) left, right = self.domain.partition(predicate) left = Array(left, self.shape) if left else None right = Array(right, self.shape) if right else None return left, right def rejoinPoints(self, *components): values = [] assert any(component is not None for component in components) its = (itertools.repeat(None) if comp is None else self.elementsOfPoint(comp) for comp in components) for elements in zip(*its): values.append(self.domain.rejoinPoints(*elements)) return self.pointWithElements(values) @cached_property def requiresRejection(self): return self.domain.requiresRejection @cached_property def pointsAreScalars(self): return self.shape == (1,) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Array): return NotImplemented return (self.domain == other.domain and self.shape == other.shape) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.domain, self.shape)) def __iter__(self): for values in itertools.product(self.domain, repeat=self.numElements): yield self.pointWithElements(values) def __repr__(self): return f'Array({self.domain}, {self.shape})'
[docs]class ScalarArray(Array): """An array whose elements are integers or reals. This is a specialized implementation of Array optimized for large arrays of scalars like images. """ def __init__(self, domain, shape): super().__init__(domain, shape) if not self.domain.pointsAreScalars: raise RuntimeError('ScalarArray element domain is not scalar') def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): targetList.extend(np.ravel(point)) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return self.numElements def unflattenIterator(self, coords): values = list(itertools.islice(coords, self.numElements)) return np.reshape(np.array(values), self.shape) def __repr__(self): return f'ScalarArray({self.domain}, {self.shape})'
[docs]class Struct(Domain): """A domain consisting of named sub-domains. The order of the sub-domains is arbitrary: two Structs are considered equal if they have the same named sub-domains, regardless of order. As the order is an implementation detail, accessing the values of sub-domains in points sampled from a Struct should be done by name: >>> struct = Struct({'a': Box((0, 1)), 'b': Box((2, 3))}) >>> point = struct.uniformPoint() >>> point.b (2.20215292046797,) Within a given version of VerifAI, the sub-domain order is consistent, so that the order of columns in error tables is also consistent. """ def __init__(self, domains): self.namedDomains = tuple(sorted(domains.items(), key=lambda i: i[0])) self.domainNamed = OrderedDict(self.namedDomains) = tuple(self.domainNamed.values()) self.makePoint = namedtuple('StructPoint', self.domainNamed.keys()) def uniformPoint(self): return self.makePoint(*(d.uniformPoint() for d in def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): for subPoint, domain in zip(point, domain.flattenOnto(subPoint, targetList) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return sum(domain.flattenedDimension for domain in def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): assert 0 <= index < self.flattenedDimension for name, domain in self.namedDomains: if index < domain.flattenedDimension: subPoint = f'{pointName}.{name}' return domain.meaningOfFlatCoordinate(index, pointName=subPoint) index -= domain.flattenedDimension def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.flattenedDimension for name, domain in self.namedDomains: if index < domain.flattenedDimension: return (name,) + domain.pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(index) index -= domain.flattenedDimension def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.flattenedDimension for name, domain in self.namedDomains: if index < domain.flattenedDimension: return domain.coordinateIsNumerical(index) index -= domain.flattenedDimension def unflattenIterator(self, coords): subPts = (domain.unflattenIterator(coords) for domain in return self.makePoint(*subPts) def standardizeOnto(self, point, targetList): for subPoint, domain in zip(point, domain.standardizeOnto(subPoint, targetList) @cached_property def standardizedDimension(self): total = 0 for domain in sd = domain.standardizedDimension if sd < 0: return -1 else: total += sd return total @cached_property def standardizedIntervals(self): ints = [] for domain in subints = domain.standardizedIntervals if subints == (): return () else: ints.extend(subints) return tuple(ints) def unstandardizeIterator(self, coords): subPts = (dom.unstandardizeIterator(coords) for dom in return self.makePoint(*subPts) def partition(self, predicate): leftSubs, rightSubs = {}, {} for name, domain in self.namedDomains: left, right = domain.partition(predicate) if left: leftSubs[name] = left if right: rightSubs[name] = right left = Struct(leftSubs) if leftSubs else None right = Struct(rightSubs) if rightSubs else None return left, right def rejoinPoints(self, *components): subPoints = ( domain.rejoinPoints(*(getattr(comp, name, None) for comp in components)) for name, domain in self.namedDomains ) return self.makePoint(*subPoints) @cached_property def requiresRejection(self): return any(domain.requiresRejection for domain in def __iter__(self): for values in itertools.product(* yield self.makePoint(*values) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not Struct: return NotImplemented return self.namedDomains == other.namedDomains def __hash__(self): return hash(self.namedDomains) def __repr__(self): return f'Struct({self.domainNamed})'
class FilteredDomain(Domain): """A domain filtered from another by an arbitrary function.""" def __init__(self, domain, filterFunction): self.domain = domain self.filter = filterFunction def uniformPoint(self): sample = self.domain.uniformPoint() if self.filter(sample): return sample else: raise RejectionException def flattenOnto(self, point, targetList): self.domain.flattenOnto(point, targetList) @cached_property def flattenedDimension(self): return self.domain.flattenedDimension def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): return self.domain.meaningOfFlatCoordinate(index, pointName=pointName) def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): return self.domain.pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(index) def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): return self.domain.coordinateIsNumerical(index) def unflattenIterator(self, coords): return self.domain.unflattenIterator(coords) @cached_property def requiresRejection(self): return True @cached_property def pointsAreScalars(self): return self.domain.pointsAreScalars def __iter__(self): return filter(self.filter, self.domain) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not FilteredDomain: return NotImplemented return (self.domain == other.domain and self.filter == other.filter) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.domain, self.filter)) def __repr__(self): return f'FilteredDomain({self.domain}, {self.filter})' ### Features
[docs]class Feature: """A feature or list of features with unknown length. Args: domain: a `Domain` object specifying the Feature's possible values; distribution (optional): object specifying the distribution of values; lengthDomain (`Domain`): if not None, this `Feature` is actually a list of features, with possible lengths given by this `Domain`; lengthDistribution (optional): distribution over lengths; distanceMetric (optional): if not None, custom distance metric. .. testcode:: # Feature consisting of list of 10 cars carDomain = Struct({ 'position': Array(Real(), [3]), 'heading': Box((0, math.pi)) }) Feature(Array(carDomain, [10])) # Feature consisting of list of 1-10 cars Feature(carDomain, lengthDomain=DiscreteBox((1, 10))) """ def __init__(self, domain, distribution=None, lengthDomain=None, lengthDistribution=None, distanceMetric=None): self.domain = domain self.distribution = distribution self.lengthDomain = lengthDomain self.lengthDistribution = lengthDistribution if lengthDomain is None: self.minLength = self.maxLength = None else: if not isinstance(lengthDomain, DiscreteBox): raise RuntimeError( 'Feature length domain must be a DiscreteBox') if lengthDomain.dimension != 1: raise RuntimeError('Feature length domain must be an interval') self.minLength, self.maxLength = lengthDomain.intervals[0] if self.minLength < 0: raise RuntimeError('Feature length domain must be nonnegative') if (lengthDistribution is not None and len(lengthDistribution.dependencies) > 0): raise RuntimeError( 'lengths of feature lists must be primitive distributions') self.distanceMetric = distanceMetric def distance(self, valueA, valueB): if self.distanceMetric is None: return self.domain.distance(valueA, valueB) else: return self.distanceMetric(valueA, valueB) @cached_property def fixedDomains(self): """Return the fixed-length Domains associated with this feature.""" if not self.lengthDomain: return self.domain domains = {} for length in self.lengthDomain: length = length[0] domains[length] = Array(self.domain, (length,)) return domains def __repr__(self): rep = f'Feature({self.domain}' if self.distribution is not None: rep += f', distribution={self.distribution}' if self.lengthDomain is not None: rep += f', lengthDomain={self.lengthDomain}' if self.lengthDistribution is not None: rep += f', lengthDistribution={self.lengthDistribution}' if self.distanceMetric is not None: rep += f', distanceMetric={self.distanceMetric}' return rep + ')'
### Feature spaces
[docs]class FeatureSpace: """A space consisting of named features. .. testcode:: FeatureSpace({ 'weather': Feature(DiscreteBox([0, 12])), 'egoCar': Feature(carDomain), 'traffic': Feature(Array(carDomain, [4])) }) """ def __init__(self, features, distanceMetric=None): self.namedFeatures = tuple(sorted(features.items(), key=lambda i: i[0])) self.featureNamed = OrderedDict(self.namedFeatures) self.features = tuple(self.featureNamed.values()) self.makePoint = namedtuple('SpacePoint', self.featureNamed.keys()) self.distanceMetric = distanceMetric @cached_property def domains(self): """Return the domain or domains associated with this space. Returns a pair consisting of the Domain of all lengths of feature lists, plus a dict mapping each (flattened) point in that Domain to the corresponding Domain of other features. If the FeatureSpace has no feature lists, then returns (None, dom) where dom is the fixed Domain of all features. """ fixedDomains = {} lengthDomains = {} variableDomains = {} for name, feature in self.namedFeatures: if feature.lengthDomain: lengthDomains[name] = feature.lengthDomain variableDomains[name] = feature.fixedDomains else: fixedDomains[name] = feature.domain if len(lengthDomains) == 0: return (None, Struct(fixedDomains)) lengthDomain = Struct(lengthDomains) domainForLengths = {} for lengths in lengthDomain: domains = dict(fixedDomains) # add domains for all feature lists with nonzero lengths for name, length in zip(lengths._fields, lengths): vdomains = variableDomains[name] length = length[0] domains[name] = vdomains[length] # combine domains into whole domain for this assignment of lengths domainForLengths[lengths] = Struct(domains) return (lengthDomain, domainForLengths) def distance(self, pointA, pointB): distances = tuple( feature.distance(subptA, subptB) for feature, subptA, subptB in zip(self.features, pointA, pointB) ) if self.distanceMetric is None: return np.linalg.norm(distances) else: return self.distanceMetric(distances)
[docs] def flatten(self, point, fixedDimension=False): """Flatten a point in this space. See Domain.flatten. If fixedDimension is True, the point is flattened out as if all feature lists had their maximum lengths, with None as a placeholder. This means that all points in the space will flatten to the same length. """ flattened = [] for feature, value in zip(self.features, point): domain = feature.domain if feature.lengthDomain: length = len(value) flattened.append(length) fixedDomain = feature.fixedDomains[length] fixedDomain.flattenOnto(value, flattened) if fixedDimension: # add padding to maximum length sizePerElt = domain.flattenedDimension needed = (feature.maxLength - length) * sizePerElt for i in range(needed): flattened.append(None) else: domain.flattenOnto(value, flattened) return tuple(flattened)
@cached_property def fixedFlattenedDimension(self): """Length of vector returned by flatten with fixedDimension=True. Also an upper bound on the length of the vector returned by flatten by default, when fixedDimension=False.""" dim = 0 for feature in self.features: domain = feature.domain if feature.lengthDomain: dim += 1 # dimension storing length of the feature list dim += feature.maxLength * domain.flattenedDimension else: dim += domain.flattenedDimension return dim
[docs] def meaningOfFlatCoordinate(self, index, pointName='point'): """Meaning of a coordinate of a flattened point in this space. See the corresponding function of Domain. Works only for points flattened with fixedDimension=True, since otherwise a given index can have different meaning depending on the lengths of feature lists. """ assert 0 <= index < self.fixedFlattenedDimension for name, feature in self.namedFeatures: domain = feature.domain if feature.lengthDomain: if index == 0: return f'len({pointName}.{name})' else: index -= 1 elem = index // domain.flattenedDimension if elem < feature.maxLength: subIndex = index % domain.flattenedDimension subPoint = f'{pointName}.{name}[{elem}]' return domain.meaningOfFlatCoordinate(subIndex, pointName=subPoint) index -= feature.maxLength * domain.flattenedDimension else: if index < domain.flattenedDimension: subPoint = f'{pointName}.{name}' return domain.meaningOfFlatCoordinate(index, pointName=subPoint) index -= domain.flattenedDimension raise RuntimeError('impossible index arithmetic')
[docs] def pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(self, index): """Pandas index of a coordinate of a flattened point in this space. See meaningOfFlatCoordinate, and Domain.pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate. """ assert 0 <= index < self.fixedFlattenedDimension for name, feature in self.namedFeatures: domain = feature.domain if feature.lengthDomain: if index == 0: return (name, 'length') else: index -= 1 elem = index // domain.flattenedDimension if elem < feature.maxLength: subIndex = index % domain.flattenedDimension panda = domain.pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(subIndex) return (name, elem) + panda index -= feature.maxLength * domain.flattenedDimension else: if index < domain.flattenedDimension: panda = domain.pandasIndexForFlatCoordinate(index) return (name,) + panda index -= domain.flattenedDimension raise RuntimeError('impossible index arithmetic')
[docs] def coordinateIsNumerical(self, index): """Whether the value of a coordinate is intrinsically numerical. See meaningOfFlatCoordinate, and Domain.coordinateIsNumerical. """ assert 0 <= index < self.fixedFlattenedDimension for name, feature in self.namedFeatures: domain = feature.domain if feature.lengthDomain: if index == 0: return True else: index -= 1 elem = index // domain.flattenedDimension if elem < feature.maxLength: subIndex = index % domain.flattenedDimension return domain.coordinateIsNumerical(subIndex) index -= feature.maxLength * domain.flattenedDimension else: if index < domain.flattenedDimension: return domain.coordinateIsNumerical(index) index -= domain.flattenedDimension raise RuntimeError('impossible index arithmetic')
[docs] def unflatten(self, coords, fixedDimension=False): """Unflatten a tuple of coordinates to a point in this space.""" values = [] iterator = iter(coords) for feature in self.features: domain = feature.domain if feature.lengthDomain: length = next(iterator) fixedDomain = feature.fixedDomains[length] values.append(fixedDomain.unflattenIterator(iterator)) if fixedDimension: # consume padding sizePerElt = domain.flattenedDimension needed = (feature.maxLength - length) * sizePerElt for i in range(needed): next(iterator) else: values.append(domain.unflattenIterator(iterator)) return self.makePoint(*values)
def __repr__(self): rep = f'FeatureSpace({self.featureNamed}' if self.distanceMetric is not None: rep += f', distanceMetric={self.distanceMetric}' return rep + ')'